Refund & Cancellation Policy

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Refund and cancellation policy.


Refund is only possible if the customer has paid some amount more than the repayment amount or if it has been done with the mistakes of the executives or the grievance officer. Because once the amount is disbursed after the client's agreement it cannot be refunded, and during repayment, the amount will be added as per the tenure fixed in the agreement.

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If the customer is ready to get the loan and even after the verification, our executive asks you before the final disbursal if are you ready to borrow the approved amount with certain terms and conditions, then the loan amount is disbursed and if you want to cancel the loan, you must inform before the disbursal. Once it is disbursed, it will not be cancelled. In that case, you might have to pay the amount applicable as per the terms and conditions. And the deducted processing fees will not be refunded.